
Being a child of divorce I have felt the effects of my parents marriage ending influence my perceptions of conflict and relationships throughout my life. I’ve discussed with others on numerous occasions how they view marriage, commitment, love, and potentially having kids of their own, and how that has been affected by their experience of divorce, and I’ve found that everyone has alternate takes on the matter.
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 1 in 3 marriages have ended in divorce in recent years. To be more specific, in 2019 113,815 marriages were registered and 49,116 divorces were granted in Australia. This staggering statistic however doesn’t take into account the repercussions felt by the children even once they reach adulthood.
While the particular subject of divorce is discussed or experienced by so many, rarely do I hear mention of its long term effects, rarely do I hear about the most traumatic aspects someone experienced surrounding the divorce or happened years after in correlation to it. This project gives me the opportunity to look at an area I have experienced myself but through the eyes of others and hear their story.
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